Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Finally Opened!

Finally after a few weeks trying to get everything together and ready i opened the Etsy store!.
It was harder than i thought!, item descriptions, shop policies,trying to figure out the shipping cost and even the item price was hard to figure out, but i did my best!.

 Now it is time to keep adding new listing, promoting the shop and keep improving the look of it creating logo and a good brand for it!

Here is the last listing added to the shop!

Here I live my first treasury list, planning on doing one every week!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

sunny day

Last week i have been working on some new illustrations.
I call them giraffe girsl, If you ask me why i make them That way...i have no idea!

Esta semana he estado trabajando en illustraciones nuevas.
Yo las llamas mujeres jirafa,por que del cuello tan largo? tengo ni idea!

Yesterday we really had a nice day so we went outside to our sun room to play and paint for a little while...

Ayer tuvimos un día ,así que nos fuimos al porche un rato a jugar y A pintar...

Lots of ideas,lots of projects!...very exited!

Muchas ideas nuevas, muchos proyectos!...y con muchas ganas!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Erikah Badu

Erika Badu

Despues de unas semanitas sin crear nada por fin me he decidido ha hacer una illustracion de Erikah Badu.

Aftera few weeks without being able to creat anything i finally decided to make an Erikah Badu illustration.

Monday, February 24, 2014

simple thing in life!

Algodón de azúcar y una taza de te,a veces las cosas más simples son las que nos hacen más felices! 
Esta es la última de la serie enjoying simple things in life!...por ahora!

Cotton candy and a cup of tea,sometimes the simplest things are what make us the happiest!
This cute little girl is the last of the serie enjoying simple things in life!...for now!

En un par de semanas abriré una tienda online en para probar suerte!
Podréis encontrar estas y otras más de animales para decorar habitaciones de niños, planeando en hacer cada letra del abecedario tambien!.
Os dejare el link cuando este abierta!
Deseadme suerte!

In a couple of weeks i will open an online store at to try to sell my illustrations!
U will find this illustrations and more about animals that will be perfect for your kids rooms, planning on making each letter of the alphabet too!
I will leave the link when it is officially open!
Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 20, 2014



Siempre me encantó el nombre de Martina y creo que a esta señorita le viene muy bien!

I always loved Martina as a name and i think it suits her pretty good!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Que felicidad más grande cuando el sol te da en la cara y la única preocupación en ese momento es la de comer pipas y jugar con los caracoles!

How good it feels when the sun touch your face and the only thing you have to worry about is eating sunflower seeds and playing with the snails!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Los que me conocéis seguro que sabéis quien a sido mi inspiración para esta ilustración!

Those Who knows me must know already Who inspired me for this illustrations!

El boceto inicial!
The sketch!